Celebrate the 4th of July in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, or Tulum

June 29, 2023
Here are some excellent ways to celebrate.
Regarding "Independence Days," they aren't all the same or always happen simultaneously. If you visit us from the United States, Independence Day events will always occur on the evening of July 4, even in Cancun. The hotels in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and down to Tulum love to share their excitement for fireworks, food, and the all-around good time our visitor's experience on this particular evening, especially as they are far from home and are ready for homemade-style fixings, a few cold beers, and outstanding fireworks.
However, many non-Mexicans believe we celebrate our Mexican Independence on the same day as our friends in the U.S.; however, that is not the case. Our proud Mexican celebration of independence occurs each year on September 16, as it was this day in 1810 that Miguel Hidalgo declared Independence from Spain. The Mexican people wanted to separate from Spain to have a government that would suit their interests rather than those of Spain. Interestingly enough, this is very similar to the American independence movement from the British rule of the late 18th century. As you can see, we have much in common regarding declaring our independence.
When hope you visit us in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, or any of our other fabulous destinations in Quintana Roo! Whether you can make it to the Independence Day of the United States in July in Mexico or to the Mexican Independence Day in September, you will have a great time, eat great food, and celebrate with "gusto ."